Mental Health First Aid Guide

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We are a generation that is loaded with mental health problems.

We have no control over our emotions. We love bad habits. We rely on some tomorrow for change.

Eventually life doesn't stop for us.

I personally believe we are living in a world of manipulative marketing.

You want to watch Netflix? You have been manipulated. You want to eat more junk? Manipulation? You want to take pills? Manipulation.

Big social media and OTT companies profit from our time and attention.

You are the one making them insanely rich.

In this guide:

  • I share how your body is exactly like a garden
  • How you can get out of this rut
  • How manipulation works
  • And some meaningful ways to conquer mental illness

Don't take this lightly.



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A guide that helps you get out of the mental rut

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Mental Health First Aid Guide

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